Administrative bodies, regulations, persons of reference

Starting from cycle 38, the regulation governing doctoral courses in Italy, including accreditation, is Decree No. 226/2021 issued by the Ministry of University and Research. At UNICAM, the Doctoral program is governed by the current national, European, and international regulations, as well as regulations available at the link provided (

The UNICAM Doctoral program is organized into Courses, which can be further be structured into Curricula. Each course has a respective Faculty Board and a Course Coordinator. Representatives of doctoral candidates participate in the Faculty Board as per current regulations.

in UNICAM, the primary reference structure for doctoral candidates is the Council of the School of Advanced Studies (SAS Council), comprising a Director, Deputy Director, Course Coordinators, Curricula Coordinatos, and Doctoral Candidate Representatives.

There is a support office, the UNICAM Advanced Studies Office, currently housed within the Libraries and Higher Education Area, which includes staff dedicated to supporting the Doctoral program and the School of Advanced Studies. 

In case of Associated Doctoral programs / National Interest Doctoral programs, the hosting institution also serves as a reference for doctoral candidates. The Faculty Board assigns at least one supervisor to each UNICAM doctoral candidate, namely a competent teacher(researcher according to the chosen research project and Course/Curriculum of affiliation.


In the presence of scholarships funded through specific programs (e.g., PON, PNRR, PRIN, HE, etc.) and specific agreements (such as co-tutorships, co-financing from other public or private entities, etc.), doctoral students may be required to fulfill additional obligations beyond the standard ones, which must be fully accepted upon accepting the scholarship.

As an illustrative example, the following additional requirements may apply:

- Maximum income limit from work compatible with the scholarship, which is lower than the provision of the UNICAM regulation.

- Exclusivity of participation in the project funded by the scholarship.

- Additional reporting beyond the standard.

- Use of logos and acknowledgment of the funding entities in publications and all advertising materials.