The Doctoral program

What is a PhD?

The Doctoral program consists of 180 ECTS credits, distributed in the following way, in order to contribute to a better recognition of your title at a European and global level  

  • 1 Year:
    • 40 ECTS in research activity (with a yearly evaluation)
    • 10 ECTS in mandatory SAS Activities to acquire transferable skills (two weeks / year)
    • 10 ECTS in curricular related activities: 7 ECTS for participation in thematic option courses ; 3 ECTS for participation in seminars and events
  • 2 Year:
    • 40 ECTS in research activity (with a yearly evaluation)
    • 10 ECTS in mandatory SAS Activities to acquire transferable skills (two weeks / year)
    • 10 ECTS in curricular related activities:  7 ECTS for participation in thematic option courses ; 3 ECTS for participation in seminars and events
  • 3 Year:

>> Transversal skills
>> Curricula related skills

The Curricular related activities (seminars and courses in specific topics of interest) are organized by the Scientific Board of each Doctoral course. 

Fig1. Schematic representation of the Educational Doctoral Program at the International School of Advanced Studies (SAS). Light blue: transversal skills organized by the School. Purple: Specific Skills organized within the activities of the different curricula. Orange: Research project developed throughout the doctoral  program.