Annette Habluetzel short CVbioAnnette Habluetzel is researcher at the University of Camerino since July 2000 (since 1. Nov 2014 associate professor) and in charge of teaching parasitology at the School of Bioscience and Veterinary Medicine and the School of Pharmacy. The main research focus of AH is malaria and in particular development of malaria control tools. From February 1993 to November 1996 Annette Habluetzel has been coordinator of a field trial on insecticide impregnated curtains in Burkina Faso, that constituted one of the 4 randomized large scale trials promoted by WHO-TDR in different epidemiological settings to evaluate the impact of permethrin impregnated bed nets / curtains on child mortality. The results revealed that even in a high transmission setting an impact on child mortality can be achieved (16% reduction) if the insecticide treated netting is applied with a high coverage. The encouraging results obtained by the 4 trials (overall impact on mortality 30%), allowed WHO to adopt impregnated bed nets and curtains as a component of its malaria control strategies. In the European project FP7-HEALTH-2007-B: ‘Malaria Transmission Blocking by Vaccines, Drugs and Immune Mosquitoes: Efficacy Assessment’, Annette Habluetzel was member of the ‘Executive Committee and leader of the work package on transmission blocking drugs and remedies. The project (2008-2013) allowed 6 candidates of the PhD Programme on Malaria and Human Development to develop their thesis research (or part of it) on transmission blocking effects of anti-malarial plants. research topicsAnnette Habluetzel is coordinator of the PhD programme on Malaria and Human Development, launched in 2008 thanks to the support of WHO-Global Malaria Programme. Up to the present, 14 candidates have been awarded with the doctoral degree, originating from 6 African countries, the United States of America, India and Italy. The objective of the doctoral course is to prepare young researchers from malaria endemic areas to fulfil roles such as project coordinators, managers, administrators, science communicators, decision makers and most importantly, to become reliable references for the health authorities in their home countries. The programme is open to candidates with whatever disciplinary background, i.e. biomedical and social sciences included. A structured training programme is offered on a yearly basis. From 2008 to 2013 five international, multi-disciplinary training workshops have been conducted. The workshop outcomes, highlights and conclusions, have been summarized by the doctoral candidates and published on the Programme web-site:; In November 2011 she has been nominated by the Rector of the University of Camerino delegate for Cooperation with African universities (“Cooperazione inter-universitaria: Africa”). In the frame of this role, she has activated a doctoral candidates’ working group on “Science Culture in and for Africa”, with the objective to raise awareness among the young researchers on their responsibility as researchers towards society; Presently, Annette Habluetzel is acting as a facilitator of the group for the implementation of a Fair Trade enterprise aimed at the development and production of health products on the basis of medicinal plants and probiotiocs targeted to an African and the Italian market (UNICAM spin off ProHerbalCARE). selected publicationsImpact of repeated NeemAzal®-treated blood meals on the fitness of Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes. Dembo EG, Abay SM, Dahiya N, Ogboi JS, Christophides GK, Lupidi G, Chianese G, Lucantoni L, Habluetzel A. Parasit Vectors. 2015 Feb 10;8:94. doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-0700-1. A retrospective evaluation of the quality of malaria case management at twelve health facilities in four districts in Zambia. Chanda-Kapata P, Chanda E, Masaninga F, Habluetzel A, Masiye F, Fall IS. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2014 Jun;4(6):498-504. doi: 10.12980/APJTB.4.2014C153. A user friendly method to assess Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) vector fitness: fecundity. Dembo E, Ogboi J, Abay S, Lupidi G, Dahiya N, Habluetzel A, Lucantoni L. J Med Entomol. 2014 Jul;51(4):831-6. Transmission blocking activity of Azadirachta indica and Guiera senegalensis extracts on the sporogonic development of Plasmodium falciparum field isolates in Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes. Yerbanga RS, Lucantoni L, Ouédraogo RK, Da DF, Yao FA, Yaméogo KB, Churcher TS, Lupidi G, Taglialatela-Scafati O, Gouagna LC, Cohuet A, Christophides GK, Ouédraogo JB, Habluetzel A. Parasit Vectors. 2014 Apr 15;7:185. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-7-185. Efficacy of sunlight-activatable porphyrin formulates on larvae of Anopheles gambiae M and S molecular forms and An. arabiensis: a potential novel biolarvicide for integrated malaria vector control. Fabris C, Ouédraogo RK, Coppellotti O, Dabiré RK, Diabaté A, Di Martino P, Guidolin L, Jori G, Lucantoni L, Lupidi G, Martena V, Sawadogo SP, Soncin M, Habluetzel A. Acta Trop. 2012 Sep;123(3):239-43. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2012.05.011. Epub 2012 Jun 2. Antimalarial plant remedies from Burkina Faso: their potential for prophylactic use. Yerbanga RS, Lucantoni L, Lupidi G, Dori GU, Tepongning NR, Nikiéma JB, Esposito F, Habluetzel A. J Ethnopharmacol. 2012 Mar 27;140(2):255-60. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.014. Epub 2012 Jan 25. Novel, meso-substituted cationic porphyrin molecule for photo-mediated larval control of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Lucantoni L, Magaraggia M, Lupidi G, Ouedraogo RK, Coppellotti O, Esposito F, Fabris C, Jori G,Habluetzel A. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Dec;5(12):e1434. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0001434. Epub 2011 Dec 20. Potential of a Khaya ivorensis -Alstonia boonei extract combination as antimalarial prophylactic remedy. Tepongning RN, Lucantoni L, Nasuti CC, Dori GU, Yerbanga SR, Lupidi G, Marini C, Rossi G, Esposito F, Habluetzel A. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Sep 1;137(1):743-51. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2011.06.036. Epub 2011 Jun 30. Antiplasmodial triterpenoids from the fruits of neem, Azadirachta indica. Chianese G, Yerbanga SR, Lucantoni L, Habluetzel A, Basilico N, Taramelli D, Fattorusso E, Taglialatela-Scafati O. J Nat Prod. 2010 Aug 27;73(8):1448-52. doi: 10.1021/np100325q. HABLUETZEL ANNETTE e-mail: annette.habluetzel@unicam.itview more info at:
HABLUETZEL ANNETTE e-mail: annette.habluetzel@unicam.itview more info at: