Lucia Pietroni short CVbioArchitect, graduated cum laude at the Politecnico of Milan, PhD in Environmental Design at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Full Professor in Industrial Design at the School of Architecture and Design “Eduardo Vittoria” of the University of Camerino. Main research fields: Industrial and Product Design, Eco-design, Eco-innovation, Innovation Design-driven and Bio-inspired Design. From 1999 to 2005, Assistant Professor of Environmental Requirements of Industrial Product and Coordinator of a specialized training section “Quality and Eco-efficiency of Industrial Product” at the Course of Bachelor in Industrial Design of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. From 2005 she is Professor of Industrial Design at the Course of Bachelor in Industrial and Environmental Design of the University of Camerino and from 2014 she is also Professor of Design for Innovation at the Master’s Course in Computational Design (actually renamed Design for Digital Innovation). From 2007 Director of Master in “Eco-design & Eco-innovation. Strategies, methods and tools to design and to develop sustainable products” and from 2017 she is member of scientific board of PhD in “Architecture, Design, Planning” of the School of Advanced Studies of Unicam and Scientific Responsible of Curriculum in “Innovation Design”. research topicsHer research activities have always focused on the deepening of environmental issues related to the design and eco-innovation of industrial products, with particular interest in the application of innovative methodologies, techniques and tools for the development of sustainable design and of design-driven innovation processes. She has participated, as a scientific coordinator and responsible, at national and international research projects, funded by competitive tenders and by third party agreements. He has received awards for his scientific activity to promote technology transfer and the creation of innovative start up. She has participated in many conferences in Italy and abroad and has coordinated and curated lectures, seminars, conventions and workshops on design issues. He has published many books, articles and papers about design, sustainable design and eco-innovation, bio-inspired design including in scientific journals in "class A" and she has collaborated and she collaborates yet, also as a member of the Scientific and Editorial Boards, with national and international journals. She also was Scientific Director of the International Biennial of Design – Edition “0” – “Laboratorio di idee per l’innovazione e il futuro” (Ascoli Piceno/San Benedetto del Tronto, 21 April-15 July 2010) and, from 2014 to 2016, she was Scientific Coordinator of the project “Distretto Culturale Evoluto del Piceno. Il design del Bello, Buono e Benfatto”, co-funded by the Marche Region and eveloped by a public-private partnership. From 2015 to 2018, she was President of Industrial Design Association (ADI) “Marche Abruzzo Molise” section. From 2013 to present she is President of EcodesignLab Srl, an academic spin off at the School of Architecture and Design of Unicam. She was a member founder of SID-Industrial Design Society, a scientific society of Italian University Researchers of Industrial Design, and from 2018 to present she is member of the Steering Committee of SID. Finally, from 2018 she is Scientific Coordinator of the research project “S.A.F.E. - Sustainable design of anti-seismic furniture, as smart and life-savng systems during an earthquake”, an industrial research project that involves 11 different public and private partners and that is co-funded by the MIUR- POR - Research and Innovation 2014/2020. selected publications1. L. Pietroni, Il contributo della Biomimesi per un design sostenibile, bio-ispirato e rigenerativo, in “Op. cit.”, n. 141, Electa Napoli, maggio 2011, ISSN 0030-3305, pp. 15-36. (Rivista in classe A). 2. L. Pietroni, Nuove prospettive di ricerca per un design sostenibile: il contributo della Biomimesi nello sviluppo di soluzioni progettuali innovative, in M. Elia (a cura di), Hi-cooking_nuovi riti nuovi tipi. Il design del prodotto per nuove ritualità: scenari, tecnologie, sostenibilità, Edizioni ADEF, Napoli 2012, pp. 8-15, ISBN 9788897811008. 3. L. Pietroni (con L. Cutaia e R. Scialdoni), Scenari di miglioramento delle prestazioni ambientali di imballaggi per CD/DVD tramite metodologia LCA, in S. Scialbi, A. Dominici Loprieno (a cura di), VI Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA. Dall’Analisi del Ciclo di Vita all’Impronta Ambientale: percorsi ed esperienze a confronto, ENEA, Roma 2012, pp. 63-69, ISBN 9788882862671. 4. L. Pietroni (con J. Mascitti), Biomimetic Materials for Design, in H. Bartolo et al., Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, Lisbon, June 26-29 2013, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London UK, 2013, ISBN 978-1-138-00046-9, pp. 579-582. 5. L. Pietroni, J. Mascitti, R. Scialdoni, Benefici ambientali derivanti dall'applicazione di criteri di Life Cycle Design e della metodologia Life Cycle Assessment nella progettazione e sviluppo di una linea di accessori per ufficio, in S. Scalbi e A. Dominici Loprieno (a cura di), Atti del VIII Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA, Firenze 19-20 giugno 2014, ENEA, Roma 2014, ISBN 978-88-8286-306-7, pp. 15-22. 6. L. Pietroni, Bio-inspired Design. La Biomimesi come promettente prospettiva di ricerca per un design sostenibile, in “Scienze e Ricerche”, n. 4, febbraio 2015, ISSN 2283-5873, pp. 18-20. 7. L. Pietroni e J. Mascitti, Superfici biomimetiche, in “MD Journal - Involucri sensibili. Integumentary Design”, n. 1, Ferrara, 2016, ISBN 978-88-940517-3-5, pp. 66-77. 8. L. Pietroni, J. Mascitti, Servizi di eco-design su misura per un’innovazione sostenibile, in L. Chimenz, R. Fagnoni, M. B. Spadolini (a cura di), “Design su misura. Atti dell'Assemblea annuale della Società Italiana di Design”, Genova 2018, Società Italiana di Design, pp. 283-293, ISBN 978-88-943380-8-9. 9. L. Pietroni, Designing for water sustainability, in “Area”, n. 157 +, “Water”, supplement al numero 157, aprile 2018, DCB Bologna, ISSN 9-770394-005011, pp. 8-11. (Rivista in classe A) 10. L. Pietroni, Oltre il biomorfismo: l’approccio biomimetico per un design sostenibile, in J. Mascitti, Bio-inspired design. Le prospettive di sviluppo di un Design per la Sostenibilità Ambientale guidato dalla Natura, Altralinea Editore, Firenze 2018, pp. 9-12, ISBN 978-88-94869-62-0. 11. L. Pietroni, J. Mascitti, Oltre il biomorfismo: l’approccio bioispirato, in “Op. cit.”, n. 165, Electa Napoli, maggio 2019, ISSN 0030-3305, pp. 51-65. (Rivista in classe A). PIETRONI LUCIA e-mail: lucia.pietroni@unicam.itview more info at:
PIETRONI LUCIA e-mail: lucia.pietroni@unicam.itview more info at: