Stefano Mancini short CVbioStefano Mancini earned the Doctorate in Physics from the University of Perugia in 1998 by defending a thesis on quantum state tomography. He then spent three years as postdoc at the University of Milan. Subsequently, with temporary lecturer positions held at University of Milan and at University of Camerino, he contributed to establish the first Italian academic courses on quantum information and computation. From 2004 to 2010 he has been researcher of Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Methods at Faculty of Science, University of Camerino. Since September 2010 he is professor of Theoretical Physics and mathematical methods at School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino. research topicsThe research activity of S. Mancini touched several topics of theoretical and mathematical physics. Recent streams are: Quantum information theory (channels capacities, error correction, entanglement characterization, quantum cryptography); Open systems dynamics (decohering maps, control theory); Information geometry (statistical models and networks, entropic dynamics). His scientific production amounts to more than 200 publications in international journals (with anonymous referee and acknowledged by ISI Web Of Science) receiving more than 6,700 citations (with an h-index of 37). Five of his publications are review articles upon invitation. Three of his papers have been awarded among the best papers of the year by the respective journals. He is currently serving International Journal of Quantum Information as member of the editorial board and more than 10 international journals as referee. He has a lot of collaborations all around the world (Erdos Number equal to 3) and he has been visiting scientist in several foreign Institutions, among them Lebedev Physical Institute, MIT, University of Cambridge, University College London, ETH, National University of Singapore and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. He has been invited speaker at 40 international conferences and member of organizing/scientific committees of more than 20 international conferences. Over the years S. Mancini has contributed to several projects funded under international umbrellas (EU-FP7, EU-FP6, INTAS, EPRSC, FQXi) as well as by Italian Institutions (Italian Ministry of Research, National Research Centre, National Institute of Matter Physics, National Institute of Nuclear Physics). He has supervised 28 master/bachelor theses and 11 PhD theses in the areas of physics, mathematics and computer science. Finally, he has been editor of 6 special issues of various scientific journals and co-authored two textbooks. selected publications Quantum channels from reflections on moving mirrors Gianfelici, Giulio; Mancini, StefanoSCIENTIFIC REPORTS;2017;Vol. 7;Pages:15747-1 -15747-11 The volume of Gaussian states by information geometry Felice, D.; Quang, M.H.; Mancini, S.JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS;2017;Vol. 58;Pages:1 -20 Universal feedback control of two-qubit entanglement Rafiee, Morteza; Nourmandipour, Alireza; Mancini, StefanoPHYSICAL REVIEW A;2017;Vol. 96;Pages:012340-1 -012340-7 Mutually unbiased unitary bases Shaari, Jesni Shamsul; Nasir, Rinie N. M.; Mancini, StefanoPHYSICAL REVIEW A;2016;Vol. 94;Pages:052328-1 -052328-7 Quantum Channel Capacities With Passive Environment Assistance Karumanchi, Siddharth; Mancini, Stefano; Winter, Andreas; Yang, DongIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY;2016;Vol. 62;Pages:1733 -1747 A geometric entropy detecting the Erdös-Rényi phase transition Franzosi, Roberto; Felice, Domenico; Mancini, Stefano; Pettini, MarcoEUROPHYSICS LETTERS;2015;Vol. 111;Pages:20001-1 -20001-6 Finite Key Size Analysis of Two-Way Quantum Cryptography Shaari, JS; Mancini, SENTROPY;2015;Vol. 17;Pages:2723 -2740 Entanglement typicality O.C.O. Dahlsten; C. Lupo; S. Mancini; A. SerafiniJOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL;2014;Vol. 47;Pages:363001-1 -363001-22 Preserving information from the beginning to the end of time in a Robertson-Walker spacetime S. Mancini; R. Pierini; M. M. WildeNEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS;2014;Vol. 16;Pages:123049-1 -123049-19 Spin-particles entanglement in Robertson-Walker spacetime S. Moradi; R. Pierini; S. Mancini PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY;2014; Vol. 89;Pages:024022-1 -024022-8 MANCINI STEFANO e-mail: stefano.mancini@unicam.itview more info at:
MANCINI STEFANO e-mail: stefano.mancini@unicam.itview more info at: