Once placed favorably in the ranking after the selection process for the reference academic year, Ph.D. candidates accept their position or the scholarship they have obtained by filling out a dedicated form. Withi this acceptance, they can proceed with enrollment.
During enrollment in the Ph.D. program, the system assigns all Ph.D. candidates a personal page on ESSE3, and the ISAS Office generates an institutional email address with the @unicam.it extension. All comunications from the University will be sent to this address, and every official communication from the Ph.D. candidate must come solely from this address.
Two user pfofiles are created for each Ph.D. candidate to access university services, each with distinct usernames:
- (name.surname) - Automatically generated at the start of the enrollment process, linked to the student profile, to access student services like the ESSE3 teaching portal (didattica.unicam.it).
- (name01.surname) - Generated by SAS staff at the time of enrollment, linked to the Ph.D. candidate profile, to manage the email address name.surname@unicam.it and access services specific to Ph.D. candidates, such as the reserved SAS area and the missions portal.
Enrollment becomes final upon payment of the required fees, completion of mobility procedures, recognition of foreign qualifications, and submission of the documentation required by UNICAM.
For Ph.D. candidates not residing in Italy, enrollment is completed upon arrival in Italy and submission of all required documentation.
After enrollment, Ph.D. candidates must register on the MUR website as Ph.D. candidates, using the @unicam.it email address and completing all mandatory fields, including the list of experiences.
The start date of Ph.D. activities for the reference academic year is determined by the call for applications or communicated later by UNICAM.
Exceptionally, remote starts of activities may be authorized for Ph.D. candidates not residing in Italy while awaiting a visa. These conditions are communicated through institutional channels.
Upon completion of enrollment, Ph.D. candidates have access to the rights and services offered by UNICAM, including those related to educational and research facilities, as described in the current regulations.
For associated Ph.D. programs and those governed by agreemtns on international mobility or co-tutelage, the joint organization of services with host institutions is established through specific agreements.