Enrolment in years subsequent to the first year

At the end of each of the three years of the course, doctoral students must submit a paper, according to the indications of the Coordinator of the relevant Course, which will be evaluated by the Faculty Board. 

In case of a positive outcome, the doctoral student is admitted to the following year. Following admission, the doctoral student may proceed with enrollment for the next year and payment of the due amounts.

At the end of the three-year course, it is always the Faculty Board that determines the admission of the doctoral student to the Thesis defense: the final discussion of the doctoral thesis.

In the case of doctoral scholarship funded on the basis of agreements or specific funding programs, additional compliance and reporting requirements may be foreseen, governed by the project/program on which the position is funded. It is the responsibility of the supervisor, together with the doctoral student, to verify any additional requirements arising from research and/or teaching projects.