Un dottorando in 40 minuti - An initiative to keep going
Un dottorando in 40 minuti - An initiative to keep going
From May 4 to June 26 are scheduled a series of video conferences with the direct contribution of some Doctoral candidates, who agreed to prepare and give a seminar of about 30 - 40 minutes to present a topic of their interest, and/or in which they are skilled, but dedicated to a general public.
Each presentation will last 30 - 40 minutes, and will be held in Italian or in English.
1 CFU will be recognised to Phds enrolled in the first year upon attendance to 80% of the seminars. For the PhD students of the second and third year attendance will be recognised as part of their training activities needed to qualify for the final PhD dissertation.
Thanks to the support of the Communication Office
To attend, join us at https://unicam.webex.com/meet/postlaurea