PhD Call Preannouncement - Added on 30/06/2022
· Architecture, Design, Planning
- Architecture, Theories and Design
- Innovation Design
- Sustainable Urban Planning and Inland Areas Development Strategies
· Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology
- Chemical Sciences
- Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Food Sciences
· Computer Science and Mathematics
- Computer Science and Mathematics
· Legal and Social Sciences
- Civil Law and Constitutional Legality
- Fundamental Rights in the Global Society
· Life and Health Sciences
- Molecular Biology and cellular Biotechnology
- One health (integrated approach to health focused on interactions between animals, humans and the environment with attention to inland valorization)
- Nutrition, Food and Health
· Physics, Earth and Materials Sciences
- Physics
- Physical and Chemical Processes in Earth Systems
- Materials Sciences.
· Neglected and poverty-related parasitic diseases in a one health perspective
*Phd Course managed in collaboration with further italian universities: University of Pisa, University of Brescia
· Natural hazards and disaster risk reduction
*Phd Course managed in collaboration with further italian universities and research institutions, in the framework of the REDI (reducing risks of natural disasters) consortium: University of Camerino, Gran Sasso Science Institute, National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology-INGV, National Institute of Nuclear Physics-INFN.