Roberto Giambò short CVbioProfessor of Mathematical Analysis at the Mathematics Division of the School of Science and Technology of Unicam, he authored and co- authored more that 50 papers on peer reviewed international journals, with almost 500 overall citations and a H-index of 12 (Google Scholar, May 2015). He edited one volume, has been many times speaker at national and international conferences and regularly acts as referee for several international journals in the fields of Nonlinear Analysis and General Relativity. Since February 2014 he is responsible of the PhD curriculum in Mathematics at the University of Camerino. research topicsHis research activity covers in particular variational methods with optimal controls and geodesics on differentiable manifolds, for instance multiplicity results for orthogonal geodesic chords and applications to brake orbits and homoclinics, and relativistic gravitational lenses between non-conjugate source and observer. Research expertise in General Relativity also includes gravitational collapse and spacetime singularities, with respect to Penrose's Cosmic Censorship Conjecture, and black holes sources as exact solutions of Einstein Field Equations in matter. Recent research activity also covers fault diagnosis techniques problems, and mathematical modeling applied to crash problems. He is currently one of the members of the Unicam research group "Methods and mathematical models in Industry" and has been in 2012 the scientific coordinator of a project concerning the production of a groundbreaking electric car, founded by Belumbury spa, in collaboration with University of Bologna and Picchio spa. selected publicationsM L Corradini, R Giambò, S Pettinari, On the adoption of a fractional-order sliding surface for the robust control of integer-order LTI plants, Automatica 51 (2015) 364 R Giambò, F Giannoni, P Piccione, Examples with minimal number of brake orbits and homoclinics in annular potential regions, J Diff Eq 256 (2014) 2677 F Cipolletta, R Giambò, Collapse of spherical charged anisotropic fluid spacetimes, Class Quantum Grav 29 (2012) 245008 R Giambò, F Giannoni, P Piccione, Multiple Brake Orbits and Homoclinics in Riemannian Manifolds, Arch Rational Mech Anal 200 (2011) 691 R Giambò, J Miritzis, Energy exchange for homogeneous and isotropic universes with a scalar field coupled to matter, Class Quantum Grav 27 (2010) 095003 R Bettiol, R Giambò, Genericity of nondegenerate geodesics with general boundary conditions, Topol Methods Nonlin Anal 35 (2010) 339 R Giambò, F Giannoni, P Piccione, Genericity of nondegeneracy for light rays in stationary spacetimes, Commun Math Phys 287 (2009) 903 R Giambò, Gravitational collapse of homogeneous scalar fields, Class Quantum Grav 22 (2005) 2295 R Giambò, F Giannoni, G Magli, P Piccione, New solutions of Einstein equations in spherical symmetry: The cosmic censor to the court, Commun Math Phys 235 (2003) 545 R Giambò, F Giannoni, P Piccione, An analytical theory for Riemannian cubic polynomials, IMA J Control Optim 19 (2002) 445 GIAMBO' ROBERTO e-mail: roberto.giambo@unicam.itview more info at:
GIAMBO' ROBERTO e-mail: roberto.giambo@unicam.itview more info at: