The PhD curriculum in "Computer Science" is based on a central research theme on "modelling, analysis, formal verification and deployment of distributed systems" that includes a variety of scientific topics, among which modelling and analysis of business processes and service-oriented applications; methods and languages for complex systems; and analysis, verification, and testing of distributed systems. PhD students in Computer Science are usually affiliated with the Computer Science Division (, hosting a large group of researchers strongly active on the fields of Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Security.
The PhD program in Computer Science also provides the doctoral students with a interdisciplinary background involving scientific disciplines from other Science Divisions, including Physics, Mathematics and eHealth.
Theoretical and engineering activities are carried out within the Computer Science Division. Some of these activities also fall within several local, national and international research projects, funded by e.g. Region Marche, MIUR (PRIN) and EU (FP7-ICT). Results achieved by the members of the division are published on top-level international journals and conferences. This, together with a strong orientation towards the third mission, have lead the Computer Science Division to achieve a high reputation at both national and international level.
The PhD program in Computer Science aims at forming skilled researchers able to tackle theoretical and practical challenges in different fields of Computer Science, within both academia and industry. To this aim, PhD students are involved in advanced research activities, in collaboration with a large variety of national and international partners. This typically includes scientific visits abroad to high-ranking institutions. Several PhD students in Computer Science have taken, and take, part to applied research projects (EUREKA), financed in collaboration with Marche Region, UniCam and local companies. Those projects may involve different topics of interest for companies, ranging from Big Data Analysis to Cloud Computing in Green Smart City, and more.
Emanuela Merelli
short CV
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