The curriculum aims to train highly qualified researchers and professionals with a strong scientific and cultural background who are capable of:

  • Conduct research and development activities in cultural, design, and technological areas using innovative methods and scientific rigor. The doctoral graduates will possess a high degree of individual research autonomy while also being capable of effectively interacting with interdisciplinary research groups;
  • Introduce, support, and develop innovation processes in the development of strategically complex and competitive projects. This will be achieved through the application of knowledge, skills, and methodologies typical of design, along with a good ability to engage with the cultural, economic, and production system, institutions, and businesses;
  • Facilitate the transfer of know-how and skills from one socio-cultural and/or technological-production context to another through methodologies and practices of action research. This involves conducting research actions aimed at improving or solving a problem in a continuous circularity between theory and practice.

The Innovation Design curriculum offers employment and professional opportunities in both public and private sectors where research and innovation activities are present or required. Additionally, there are opportunities within Italian and international university institutions and research centers.

The curriculum focuses on three main research topics:

  • Design of objects, Design of innovative and intelligent systems and environments for Active and Assisted Living; ICT for ageing wellness; Smart and Green Mobility; Internet of Things and enabling technologies of Industry 4.0.
  • Design for environmental sustainability and process and product innovation Methods, tools, and strategies of Design for Environmental Sustainability; Life Cycle Design and Bio-inspired Design for the development of innovative products, systems, and services; Circular Economy; Applications of innovative materials.
  • Communication Design, new technologies.

Lucia Pietroni

short CV