Phd in Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience

Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience

Preclinical Clinical and Translational Neuroscience

Computational and System Neuroscience

Neuroscience and Humanities



An innovative way to  tackle the complexity of neuroscience studies


The National PhD program  in "Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience" aims to provide doctoral students with the scientific methodologies necessary for the integrated study of neuroscience in areas ranging from molecular and cellular neurobiology, to computational neuroscience, cognitive, preclinical, clinical, diagnostic, rehabilitative neurorobotics  up to the  investigation of  the mind-body-brain relationship.


To establish a network of prestigious  Italian Universities and Research Institutions to support   multidisciplinary study programs in neuroscience and to form new generations of researchers in  highly competitive international research environment

Doctoral candidates interested to gain competences in the broad field of neuroscience and motivated to  conduct their research in a highly stimulating inter- and multi-disciplinary environment.


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